Bash script to check for final closing /data xml tag in file

Bash script to check for final closing </data> xml tag in file:

if [ -f file.xml ]
    # if grep -1iq '</data>' file.xml    # simplest syntax
    # if tac file.xml | grep -1iq '</data>'   # faster syntax (tac is reverse cat)
    if tail -100 file.xml | grep -1iq '</data>'   # fastest syntax, assumes at most 100 trailing lines of whitespace/etc. at end of file.
        echo file ready to be loaded
        # code to load and archive file here
        echo file partially transferred, so no action taken.
    echo file not yet transferred, so no action taken.

This could be put into an infinite loop:

while :
    # code to do stuff here
    sleep 1  # sleep for 1 second before checking again, to avoid wasting cpu.
June 23, 2015

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