ORA-00600 17287 fix

There are some MoS docs for ORA-00600 [17287] suggesting to rerun various dictionary install scripts.
Sometimes that might be needed – but in my case would have been overkill, because just recompiling the invalid objects to get them to status invalid was all that was needed – with a few extra grants needed applied back which had been revoked by overly-tight lockdown restrictions.
Below was done at container cdb$root level.
Can affect version 12.2 and above.
In extreme cases startup restrict may be needed to get the database in a state where this fix can be applied.

set pages 999 lines 140 doc off
col owner form a30
col object_name form a30
exec utl_recomp.recomp_serial ;
select owner , object_name , object_type from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID' order by 1,2 ;
-- to compile cleanly may just need grants similar to the below e.g.:
grant execute on sys.utl_tcp to gsmadmin_internal ;
grant execute on sys.dbms_lob to gsmadmin_internal ;
grant execute on sys.dbms_scheduler to gsmadmin_internal ;
grant execute on sys.dbms_random to gsmadmin_internal ;
grant execute on sys.utl_http to gsmadmin_internal ;
grant execute on sys.dbms_job to gsmadmin_internal ;
grant execute on sys.dbms_scheduler to xdb ;
September 10, 2020

  • Hi,
    See https://www.dbsecworx.com/res_expl/utl_inaddr_exploit.html
    and REVOKE execute ON utl_inaddr FROM PUBLIC;
    But on 21cXE PDB is scratching and affects the CBD at next startup.
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17287], [0x1153112E8], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    startup restrict; grant execute on sys.utl_inaddr to gsmadmin_internal;
    select … from dba_objects where …; alter package gsmadmin_internal.DBMS_GSM_DBADMIN compile body; show errors => no
    exec utl_recomp.recomp_serial;
    select … from dba_objects; => no rows selected.
    shutdown immediate; startup; => everything is open

  • You post turned to be a life saver as similar scenario happened today in PROD after LINUX patch actvity. Again, thank you so much !!
    Solution provided worked perfect!.

    Here is the error, I saw.. FYI

    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17287], [0x7F014C8AF238],
    [0x097DAEFF0], [], [GSMADMIN_INTERNAL], [DBMS_GSM_CLOUDADMIN], [11], [1], [],
    [], [], []

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