chr(13) chr(10) carriage return line feed CR LF
chr(13) and chr(10) are the carriage return line feed CR LF characters, so to strip them out:
select replace(replace(m.long_notes,chr(10),' '),chr(13),' ') from mytable m;
chr(13) and chr(10) are the carriage return line feed CR LF characters, so to strip them out:
select replace(replace(m.long_notes,chr(10),' '),chr(13),' ') from mytable m;
It depends. SQL is often pronounced ‘sequel’ (well, by people you started using SQL back in the dim and distant past).
Just a question. Shouldn’t it be an SQL joke, not a SQL joke, as in sedinng out an SOS (famous Police song) not a SOS? Sorry to be pedantic but I revise the English of many Spanish University professors and I always tell them an SQL and was interested to see that you put a SQL. Thanks Danny