What SQL and sessions are running?

GUIs like TOAD and Enterprise Manager can show this better, but they’re not always to hand. Every session active now or within the last minute is shown.

set pages 9999 lines 132
col username form a20
col osuser form a20
col program form a50
col minutes form 999
alter session set nls_date_format = 'Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
select distinct
s.sid, s.username, s.osuser, s.program||' '||s.module program,
s.status, s.last_call_Et/60 minutes, s.logon_time, w.state, w.event, w.seconds_in_wait ,
from v$session s, v$sql q, v$session_wait w
where ( s.status = 'ACTIVE' or last_call_et < 60 )
and s.sql_hash_value = q.hash_value
and s.sql_address = q.address
and s.sid = w.sid
order by s.sid
set pages 9999 lines 80 head on feed 6
April 20, 2007

  • Following are errors on on WIN XP SP2-

    SQL> set pages 9999 lines 132
    SQL> col username form a20
    SQL> col osuser form a20
    SQL> col program form a50
    SQL> col minutes form 999
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = `Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
      2  /
    alter session set nls_date_format = `Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00911: invalid character
    SQL> select distinct
      2  s.sid, s.username, s.osuser, s.program||' `||s.module program,
      3  s.status, s.last_call_Et/60 minutes, s.logon_time, w.state, w.event, w.seconds_in_wait ,
      4  q.sql_text
      5  from v$session s, v$sql q, v$session_wait w
      6  where ( s.status = `ACTIVE' or last_call_et < 60 )
      7  and s.sql_hash_value = q.hash_value
      8  and s.sql_address = q.address
      9  and s.sid = w.sid
     10  order by s.sid
     11  /
    where ( s.status = `ACTIVE' or last_call_et < 60 )
    ERROR at line 6:
    ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
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